Here's my story...
On October 11, 2020, I was physically attacked while visiting my parent's home in Asheville, NC - by three generational masonic demons, four months after my father's death. Dad was a 33rd degree Mason and later became a Magnus Shriner in 1976. We have generations of 33rd degree masons on both sides of the family. After dad's funeral I began to remove all his masonic paraphernalia from our home and asked the Holy Spirit to bless and protect the house.
So in October, we had to move my mom to live with my sister's family in Virginia. Long story short, that night right after I went to bed in my dad's room, I was awakened by a constant, intense, fiery, odd burning sensation in my lower stomach and groin area, much like when you're coming down a roller coaster. This was not my first rodeo. I've had many other spiritual attacks in the home since childhood. So I'm attune to their evil presence. Most of them in our home, however, were victorious in Jesus name. I faced the devil head on through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of the Lamb. Other times I needed help from Spirit filled prayer warriors. In the Spirit, I have seen them come out of me and/or run out of the house and down the road! I'm not afraid of the devil and I know the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. One of my prayers has always been, "If there's evil in my presence, Lord let it show it's ugly head." I am now 63 years old, but this attack was very different and the worst. I started praying, rebuking, binding and casting out the enemy. I even petitioned God for a Restraining Order from the High Courts of Heaven against these demons. After about an hour of praying I was so tired that I just asked God to surround me with his presence, power, protection and I fell back asleep.
The next morning the sensation was still there, but not as strong. I asked God why he allowed them to attack me. He said, "I'm not done with your testimony." Not the words I wanted to hear, but I accepted that he had a higher plan. I asked why the demons were still in the house. The Holy Spirit reminded me that dad's masonic bible was still in his room (which I have since removed). That was an open door for the enemy to still be there. I then asked, "How many were there." The answer I got was, "three." This has been confirmed by other Sprit filled Christian friends who hear from the Lord. One friend even told me, before I shared how many, that there was definitely more than one. Lol ... I wonder if these demons knew something big was coming down the Pike (no pun intended - Albert) and they wanted to try to take me out?
After we got on the road about an hour away from Asheville, the physical sensation suddenly went away and has never come back. Not even during the last three times I have gone back and slept in the same room. My first thought was that perhaps these demons ruled a large territory around Asheville.
In February or March 2021, God led me to watch a YouTube interview with Jessie Czebotar on Aquarius Rising. She was just starting an anointing project to take back dominion over the land that the enemy had stolen from us. I joined Jessie's group and began anointing my home and community. I was also introduced to John Ramirez on a show with Jessie this past summer and that's how I found this group.
Since the attack in 2020, I slowly began losing strength in my lower extremities. I've had five doctor 'second options,' all kinds of blood tests, EMGs, nerve tests, and seven MRI's. All the tests come back OK. Doctors still can not identify the problem (even though I know it has to be dealt with on a spiritual level). Currently I am in out-patient therapy at a Nero-rehabilitation center to improve strength, flexibility and balance.
I had been using a cane since November 2020. On April 22, 2021 my doctor prescribed me a Rollator to help get around. My mom suggested that I take a trip back to Asheville to also get my dad's Rollator, which was new and he never used it. The next day as I was packing the car, the Lord said to me, "And while you're there, I want you to anoint the Biltmore." lol ... I said to myself ... why didn't I think of that? -- But I also asked God if he was sure he didn't want to send someone more physically fit for the job. I've gone to the Biltmore property a few times, and I know how huge it is. But then I thought, "These demons have really pissed me off - I'm going!"
After I got to Asheville, I was watching another YouTube interview with Jessie and learned that her birthday was coming up on April 24th. So on April 23rd, I went to anoint the land and the Biltmore house. I anointed my forehead with consecrated oil, the bottom of my shoes, the tires on my car, the wheels on my Rollator, my cane and 17 shiny pennies that I hid strategically on the land and in the house. I got someone to take a picture of the huge birthday card I made for Jessie, and I sent her the pic.
Earlier in 2021, I had learned about some of the evil crimes against humanity that had gone on at the Biltmore for years, and of course, about Gloria Vanderbilt, the queen mother of darkness. But what I didn't know, but learned later, was that these April dates (especially April 24th) were high satanic ritual dates. I'm glad God didn't tell me ahead of time. On a side note, I took a trip to the Biltmore in 2003 with a friend of mine who wanted to see it. The subterranean level had just opened up for tourists. When we got to the pool area, I got an awful taste in my mouth that reminded me of the terrible smell of the "slaughter house for cows" in another town I lived in out in the country. I also felt like throwing up. So I told my friend, "Let's move on." Didn't know why at the time, but I do now!
In July of this year, I went to Orlando, Florida for a 2-day anointing tour led by Jessie and George Iceman from The Reveal Report. The tour started 2-days before my birthday. I had not met Jessie yet. At one point, as she was giving her testimony, she shared that one of her prayer warriors had gone to the Biltmore, anointed the land and sent her a picture for her birthday. I raised my hand in the audience, and she said, "It was you, I saw you!" Before the weekend was over, she surprises me with a birthday present.
God had a purpose and perfect timing in my life. Had I not needed a Rollator, I wouldn't have had a need to take a trip home to Asheville. If I had to do it again, I would gladly do it, but a lot sooner, no matter the cost!
Where ever I go now and have an opportunity, I share my testimony with people the Lord says I can. It usually begins like this, "What happened to you?" I say, "I came under a spiritual attack." The response is usually, "You're joking right?" "Nope!" -- That's all I say and wait, unless that say, "Tell me more." I try to have a normal conversation back and forth, instead of "vomiting my testimony" all over them. Not everyone is ready to hear the full story.
Please continue to pray in agreement for my complete recovery and healing. I have asked God to restore 100 fold what the "canker worm & locust have eaten." I do not agree with my doctor's possible diagnosis of ALS. I rebuke that in Jesus name. I have asked God to brake and curse to the root all generational masonic curses in my life, my family, and all generations back to Adam & Eve. I renounce all infirmities inherited through my family's bloodline. I break, dismantle and destroy every satanic alter and demonic power that is trying to stop me from seeing my miracle in Jesus name.
Ted Hunter
Glory to God Orlando 2021